Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Pleased to Meetchoo! Won'tcha Guess My Name?

I'm a person who provides everyone I know with a nickname. Katie is "Missy". Heidi is "Slushie". Monica is "Nicki", Deborah is "Deborah Lee", Mark is "Marky," "The Hessian", or "The Wonder of Nature". Laurel is "Prima". The list goes on and on.

The list of nicknames extends to my cats and birds. The nicknames are so ridiculous, I have to share them with you.


Claudio, a.k.a. Claudie, Claudie-cat, Tender, Tender Stuff, Tender Stuffins, Tender Toes, Friend, Tendy-Friendy, Tendore, Tenderlicious, Tenderlicious Tenderling, Tendolito, Kitten Man.

Layla, a.k.a La, La-la-la-la-la, Laylakins, Kins, Kinny-Kins, Playla, Sleeky, Sleeky-Sleekertones, Tones, My Little Cougar Cat, Triangle Head, Little Soft Toes, Exotica.

Pickles, a.k.a. Pickle-Lean, Pickletones, Pickies, Lickles, The Glosser, Sweet Baby Girl, Tweet Baby Dirl, Dood Dirl, Proud, Hider, Shit Breath (but in a nice way).


Cyrano, a.k.a C-Boy, Busterboy, the Boos, Boostaboy, Smooth 'N' Green, Smoothie, Toe Picker.

Phoebe, a.k.a. Phoebes, The Phoebinator, Phoebers-Bejeebers, Gray Girl, Shesocute, Citrus Cheeks.

I am a freak for sure.

1 comment:

The Scarlet Pervygirl said...

It would probably not help sanity's case to mention that in addition to his many nicknames, Cyrano also has a handcrafted theme song.